Den Lille version af den cool signatur Tote Bag
Perfekt til alle oplevelser.
H: 30 cm B : 28 cm L : 28 cm
Designet i Frankrig - lavet i Portugal
Bomuld / ruskind
Den lille Tote Bag er miniversionen af vores signaturstore Tote Bag i lærred.
Den er perfekt til at shoppe, gå alene på stranden, bære dit sportstøj eller babys bleer...
Denne farverige Tote Bag kan tages med overalt og vil pifte din sommergarderobe op...
Ekstra til din taske: en inderlomme med lynlås.
Fastgøres med lædersyning og har bomuldsfor.
VoresTote Bag i SMALL fås i flere farver.
Cool and nice bag for all occasions
H: 38 cm l : 35 cm L : 35 cm
Designed in France - made in Portugal
Cotton / Suede
Brother to the large tote bag, this is the ideal bag for all occasions...
Delightful holdall, colorful canvas beach bag, timeless handbag, stylish sports bag or smart nappy bag… you won’t be able to do without it!
Whether you carry it in your hand or pop it over your shoulder, this voguish tote bag is an immediate must-have!
The added extra of your bag: a zipped inside pocket.
Fastens with a leather tie, cotton lining
Our medium tote bag is available in several colors.
Small version of the signature Tote Bag
H: 30 cm l : 28 cm L : 28 cm
Designed in France - made in Portugal
Cotton / Suede
The small tote bag is the mini version of our signature large canvas tote bag.
Perfect for shopping, going to the beach solo, carrying your sports wear or baby’s nappies…
This colorful handbag can go anywhere and will brighten up your summer wardrobe…
The added extra of your bag: a zipped inside pocket.
Fastens with a leather tie, cotton lining
Our small tote bag is available in several colors.
Small Tote Bag SAGE
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